Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Child support is a killer!

Sounds crazy right? Well, according to the Associated Press, 39-y-o Sean Levert, a third of the 1980s R&B trio LeVert and son of lead O'Jays singer Eddie Levert, died after falling ill while serving a jail term. Why was Sean Levert in jail? Well, it appears that Sean has 3 kids aged 11, 15, and 17 who he has not been supporting to the tune of $89K. Sean, who was sentenced to serve 22 months last week died on Sunday.

And yeah, I feel justified in calling this death by child support. Hey, is it any more or any less crazy when we call 95-degree weather a killer heat wave because some seniors chose not to crack a window? Or when we call some snow flakes a killer snow storm because some kid decides it is time to do the Tokyo Drift in his Mom's Honda Accord?

Things you stand to lose via child neglect:
1. Your child(ren)
2. Your money
3. Your freedom
4. Your life!

While everybody's situation is entirely unique I hope the thought of losing any or all of the above items motivates you the same way it motivates me.

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